You found the geocache you were searching for! Congratulations!
Some things to consider as you write your log:
- People hide geocaches to give back to the game and the geocaching community. Their reward for that effort is reading the online logs posted about their geocache. Take the time to acknowledge their effort by writing a nice log. They enjoy reading your story so much more than a log that says only TFTC.
- Cache hiders improve with experience. Positive feedback is useful to include in your log, but remember to always be courteous.
- Don't spoil the hunt for others by giving away the cache location in your log or a photo.
- Each geocache should be logged as found only one time by any one geocacher. If you visit the cache again, you should write about your experience by posting a note, not logging another find.
- If you don't find the cache, post a "Did not find" log. Don't replace the container and log a "Found it". See why here.
- Don't log a find on your own geocache.
Reading the logs of other geocachers that have visited the same geocache that you have is one of the enjoyable parts of geocaching. Your logs help contribute to this and enhance the game for others.